Nan's BC Adventure
We had a very special guest this month, Brenda's Mom! Her arrival caused much excitement here, even picking her up at the airport was an adventure since her plane came in at 2 AM, about four hours late.
Once Nan settled in we did our best to show her around and check out some of our favourite spots as well as make our first foray out to Salt Spring Island. Here are some highlights:
Checking out the bunny infestation at UVic.
Nan on top of Mount Doug.
Once Nan settled in we did our best to show her around and check out some of our favourite spots as well as make our first foray out to Salt Spring Island. Here are some highlights:
Nan was a big fan of the Oak Bay Marina. Our blog already has a surpringly high seal content, but we'll put in one seal pic for Nan.
The smartest of the bunch, this seal will slap for food.

Some more of local wildlife. Mmmmm . . . crab.
Not local, but still pretty wild. Nan in the Pacific.
Some more of local wildlife. Mmmmm . . . crab.
We wish we could say we got some great pictures from our trip to Salt Spring, but we didn't. For most of Nan's stay the weather was lousy and rainy.
Nan and Brenda on the ferry.
Back off humans, it's nap time.
If you look really closely, you can find a whale.
See you next time Nan!
For our grand finale we went over to Vancouver to visit the aquarium. There's lots of neat things to see at there, but Nan was much more excited by the whales we saw off the side of the ferry on the way home.
how cute are those bunnies???
gnat, at 9:44 PM
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