Adam Cole (Part 2)
Adam made his triumphant return Friday night from his week of exploring the island. He covered a lot of ground, making it as far as Mount Cain in the north. He had some fun stories and some great pictures to share, as well as a great thirst for beer. We haven't really mentioned beer here on the blog, but there are so many great beers being brewed out here on the island, it's awesome. Perhaps we'll dedicate a future post to beer, there is a beerfest in the fall. Anyway, back to the drinking. . .
Brenda and her Vodka Cran.
Crazy drinks, as seen from table level.
Sampling the Johnny Cakes at the Reef.
We went out to the Reef to meet up with Sophia and Josh and for Sophia's birthday celebrations. Happy Birthday Sophia, hope you enjoyed it and had a lesser hangover than us.
After a lazy Saturday, we hit the road for Sombrio Beach on the Juan De Fuca Trail. It was hardly beach weather (the Sun has been absent for many days), but we had a fun day exploring the beach and chasing after little crabs.
Look out! It's Ariolimax columbianus!
Brenda strikes a pose on a bridge over the Sombrio River.
Trees are tall here even when they're sideways.
I'm the king of the rock . . .
. . . And this is my dance!
Brenda on the funky porous rock.
Say 'hello' to my little friend.
There was a lot of life to explore at the beach. We heard more crabs than we saw, you can hear them constantly scurrying away under the rocks. We also that big slug, some nymph-like things, lots of snails and lots of other weird-looking little things.