The Big Trip: Boya Lake to Muncho Lake
2334 km - Not much to see on the road today. We did see a fox, and the welcome sign to Dease Nutz . . . I mean Dease Lake was pretty awesome. We're just leaving Boya Lake P.P. now. It is a gorgeous spot, the water is coloured like Lake Louise and it is surrounded by thousands of trees and some mountains.
2482 km - We have now been to the Yukon . . . and left it. The last stretch of highway in BC was pretty dodgy, but our tough as nails Loon made it through. We toured the sign forest, picked up some essentials (gas, ice & chips) and now find ourselves back in BC. We have our eyes peeled for buffalo and are looking forward to some hot springs. The people sure were friendly in Watson Lake, maybe one day we will be back with a sign of our own.
The sign post forest's size is mind-blowing.
No towns named Cam, but I bet your hometown is there.
Salt Spring and Waterloo content.
Whirlpool action.
En route to the hot springs.
Steam coming off the pond.
2482 km - We have now been to the Yukon . . . and left it. The last stretch of highway in BC was pretty dodgy, but our tough as nails Loon made it through. We toured the sign forest, picked up some essentials (gas, ice & chips) and now find ourselves back in BC. We have our eyes peeled for buffalo and are looking forward to some hot springs. The people sure were friendly in Watson Lake, maybe one day we will be back with a sign of our own.
2628 km - The Alaska Highway is a pretty smooth road. So far we have seen two buffalo and stopped to see a whirlpool on the Liard River. It's a pretty hot day for buffalo so the ones we have seen weren't interested in doing much besides wagging their tales.
Whirlpool action.
2683 km - We just saw a buffalo pee. It is going to be a good day. The Liard River Hot Springs were all we expected and it was great to relax in them. They were too hot for us at the source, so we chilled near the middle with all the American RVers. It was another great night. It was still light out when we packed it in at 11:30 last night. And after calling home and filling up with gas, we are on the road again.
Buffalo pee action shot!!!
Trout River valley.
2720 km - We are now in Muncho Lake Provincial Park and have just returned from an unsuccessful sheep hunting expedition. The Trout River is home to a mineral lick which sheep frequent, just not this morning. It is likely that Frito Lays Muncho snack is named after this park since Munchos are basically salt licks.
Tasty minerals.
Approaching Muncho Lake.
Muncho is the first big lake in the Rockies . . .
. . . And it is gorgeous.
Road sheep.
Apparently she has the right-of-way.
I'm a ram.
The Folded Mountain.
2741 km - Muncho Lake is beautiful. It is certainly a rival to the other famed lakes of the Rockies. The water is a stunning aquamarine caused by jade and other mineral deposits, and on a clear Sunny day like today the mountains and trees all reflect clearly on the surface. AND!! As I am writing we spotted two sheep! A female was right in the middle of the road and the male (with big horns) was off to our left. We stopped on the road because we didn't know what to do, but an impatient truck driver pulled out from behind us and drove right between them. That was enough to get the sheep off the road and now we are once again heading south.